Everything we do in life creates dynamic, invisible links joining us together. Be it a smile, a gentle touch, or a bad mood, our feelings and actions affect those around us. It doesn’t matter if you’re a nurse, podiatrist, doctor, caregiver or patient, you have the power to transform any encounter into one of comfortable, compassionate care.
For years I have worked as a wound care specialist, providing care for patients with terrible wounds. There are times when I think to myself, ‘How can they bear it? How do they put up with the smell and pain day-after-day, week-after-week, with seemingly no end in sight?’
Sometimes I wake in the wee small hours of the night worried that I have made the wrong decision or wondering if I could have done more.
Reflecting on our clinical practice is a good thing and helps us to learn and grow, but too much reflection, feeling overwhelmed, and second-guessing is not helpful. I try to remember that it’s important to take a deep breath, recentre, focus on the positive actions I have implemented, and keep going.
Having had close family members experience horrific wounds, I have a deep feeling of empathy for those patients who I treat. I am driven by the need to reduce the impact of wound symptoms whether it’s pain, exudate or malodour. I try to think of how my actions and my attitudes might impact the person I am caring for. It doesn’t take much to make someone’s day – a warm smile, holding a person’s hand, all have the power to make a difference in a person’s day.
There’s no doubt that being a healthcare professional is at times, both physically and emotionally burdensome. My message to you is this: we need to help each other to remember basic self-care needs so that we can continue to help others.
Whether it’s taking five minutes to grab a hot cup of tea and a piece of chocolate, sharing a word of encouragement or taking the time to listen as someone vents, is a purposeful way to focus our energy. The value of being aware of our dynamic threads of connection with those around us is simply to become more conscious of how we choose to connect with each other, a choice that can turn a hopeless situation into one of hope.
Thank you for your time, for being here, and for being such an incredible force for good in this world.
I’m cheering you on every step of the way.
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